Calm, focus,
and confidence.

Experience sports hypnosis with a free Athletic Success Audio.

Winners Don't Win by Accident

Winners set the scene for winning in everything they do, think and believe.  Of course, they’ve put in the hours, but the have something else: a winner’s attitude.  Believing you can win – believing you are a champion and that you deserve success – produces results.

Caryn not only works with athletes for peak performance, mental toughness and confidence.  She also works to improve focus and pre-competition nervousness, remove mental blocks, regain confidence after injury, increase motivation, regain the joy of sport, compete like you practice and negative thought-stopping.

Engage Your Subconscious to Win

Many professional athletes use hypnosis to improve performance.  Visualization is often used to imagine the desired result.  For instance, a baseball player will visualise the perfect swing, seeing all of his muscles, each minor movement and adjustment as the bat hits the ball.  By visualizing repeatedly these perfect movements, the body will be able to accomplish just that during competition.  

Self-statements and self-hypnosis cement the goals and desired results in the mind of the athlete and therefore become unconscious actions during competition or games.  Hypnotherapy can also help improve focus and concentration, and relieve the stress of competition and pressure of performance



Hypnosis is like a Massage For Your Mind

Hypnosis induces a state of “total” relaxation of body and mind, or a heightened state of awareness that is sometimes called a trance. You cannot feel any of life’s stresses or worries when under hypnosis. You feel happy, calm, peaceful and at ease. At the same time, while in a completely relaxed state, you are fully awake, mentally alert and can respond to the hypnotherapist’s suggestions.

The word hypnosis refers to a state of mind in which the conscious mind is deeply relaxed. This state promotes better communication between the conscious and the subconscious mind by allowing thoughts to bypass the conscious mind and accept suggestions in line with your goals. This state enables changes in perception, a major increase in response to suggestion, and the potential for controlling many physiological functions that are usually involuntary.

Deep Mindset Shifts in 4 Simple Sessions

Caryn’s unique 4 session structure of hypnosis sessions, with reinforcement tasks in between, has elevated and maintained hundreds of athletes to champion status.

Session 1

Session 2

Session 3 & 4

Sports hypnosis gets results

Techniques We Will Use

Mental Log Keeping

Thinking positively about your last event / match / game. Act like a champion in your body language and attitude.

Effective Goal Setting

Short and long term written goals are a must.

Positive Self-Talk or Affirmations

Stop the negative thoughts and replace with “I am powerful!” Do this for the next 4 weeks.

Relaxation Techniques

Increases the mind’s acceptance to suggestion.

Visualization or Mental Rehearsal

Visually imagine your perfect performance; this is a blueprint of what you will execute.

Get In Touch

Let’s explore how I can lift the performance of your athlete or team.

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